Becoming Fearless


It’s probably safe to say that at some point in our lives we have all felt fear. 

Whether it was a moment that quickly passed you by or a fear that has been with you since you were a child. Fear tends to grip us tight and does not want to let go. It has the power to turn us into statues afraid to make a move that could end up leading to failure. 

There is a fear that can easily hover in the back of our minds causing us to wonder, question, and even doubt whether or not we are on the right path. To wonder, “Am I really doing what God wants me to do?”. 

The fear of missing God’s grand plan for our lives, which leads to constantly searching for new opportunities, can certainly leave us feeling restless and unsettled in who we are and where we are. 

Ready for some good news? The pressure is off! Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

A life of following Jesus and being His disciple means He is more focused on who you are than anything you can do for Him.

Becoming fearless in the journey of life comes by getting to know who God is and trusting in His character. Getting to know someone takes time though. It takes energy and intentionality to have a trusting relationship. Spending quality time with God and reading His Word daily helps us in building a strong relationship with Him that will cause the fear of the unknown to no longer be scary.

Another vital aspect of overcoming fear is discipleship. This is having people you trust spiritually, coming around you and helping to point you toward Jesus as you are learning and growing. However, discipleship does not mean there is a quick fix, and it doesn’t mean that the fear will leave overnight. But, it does mean that God is faithful to transform us into the image of Jesus; and He is with you throughout the whole journey! With Jesus, we have full access to live a life free of fear! 

Living a life being discipled by Jesus and having mentors in our life to champion us to live a life full of love rather than fear is the best decision we can ever make. 

There is never a wrong time to do a Discipleship Training School to explore who God is and who you are.
Are you ready to discover more of God’s plan for your life and become fearless?


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Discipleship Training School!

Trayza Stobbe-Fright