Surrendering Your Future


We are currently living in a time full of the unknown; every country has a different plan on when and how they are restarting society post-lockdown, it feels like we are all being left in the dark. It’s easy to harbour feelings of hopelessness, saying, “Why make plans? When they could so easily not come to fruition,” or, “Because I can’t know for sure, I won’t commit.” We, even as Christ followers, can so easily make an idol out of our plans, out of knowing.

A word from the Lord often is just that, a word. Not a plan. Not a map. Not our picture perfect idea of what His plan for our lives SHOULD be. Our job, as sons and daughters of the King, is to hear His voice and to follow. That almost always means laying down our plans, our need to know, and our desire to understand. Instead choosing to fully surrender to the One whose plan is perfect beyond what we could ever know or understand.

As we enter the latter half of twenty-twenty we can walk in opposition of what's easy to feel, and instead look toward the future with a God-given sense of peace and hope. If the Lord calls you across the world you can trust that He knows what He’s doing, the journey is just as important as the destination. He might decide to adjust your path before you arrive at the place He first called you to.

In Psalm 119:105 David writes, “Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path,” sometimes the word we receive from the Lord is only the lamp showing just a step or two infront of us. It is up to us to surrender our desire to know the full path, and instead fully trust as He leads us one step at a time.


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Clayton Wideman