Living On Mission


The Great Commission is one of the most talked about statements from Jesus, and it is found in Matthew 28. Go! Make disciples of all nations! Baptize. Teach. I will be with you always. Go!

That may be your first, tenth, or thousandth time reading those words. However, we often don’t know how it applies to us in our daily lives, or we have grown numb to the power behind those words. 

We can often think Jesus is speaking in this particular passage to people who are ‘called’ to missions. People who have a passion for lost souls and people who are called to be evangelists.

But, what if Jesus is speaking to everybody? What if Jesus has commissioned everybody who has become a follower of His ways to now ‘go’ and make disciples?

Let’s have a look at the two greatest commandments spoken by Jesus. He said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

By Jesus saying Go and make disciples, does that mean I now need to travel? No. 

By Jesus saying Go and make disciples, does that mean I now need to be in full time ministry with a church? No.

By Jesus saying Go and make disciples, He is saying love the person in front of you. He is saying put aside your selfish ambition and be patient to those around you. He is saying don’t just be nice to those who are first nice to you, but be kind to everyone.

How can you do this? It starts by first knowing His love for you, knowing Love Himself, hearing His voice, and obeying His voice.

You see, the Great Commission and the Great Commandments go hand in hand. 

Love breaks all barriers to connect. It reaches through the awkwardness, the different worldviews, the different cultures, and gathers communities that don’t allow for there to be a ‘false peace’ but communities that embrace the mess and allow conversations in love to disciple one another. 

From that place of love allow the ‘Great Commission’ to become real in your life. To not simply share the ‘Good News’ when it is convenient but to share it always through the simple act of living on mission.

What does living ‘on’ mission mean for you?


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Trayza Stobbe-Fright