The Power of Invitation


When you hear the word 'invitation', what is the first thing that pops into your mind?

For me, I right away picture a little kids birthday invitation with a theme like 'Hot Wheels' or 'My Little Pony'. For others, they might think of an invite to a wedding or graduation, or some might think of a laid back BBQ at a friend’s place.

Whatever your immediate thought of the word is, I think too often we discredit or even doubt the power of invitation. It holds the power to include, connect, and value those around us.

There is a moment in my life that I will never forget. It was a simple verbal invitation to attend a small group that ended up holding the power to transform my life. Of course as a 16 year old girl, in the moment I didn't see it that way. All I saw was a friend opening up the door for me to get together with more friends. But that invitation opened the door for the Holy Spirit and in about one year it led to me giving my life to Christ! It was a learning journey for me that started out with one simple invitation.

It is important that we live life with awareness to those around us and remember that we don't know the impact an invitation will have on someone's life in the moment or even down the road! 

Never forget the power of invitation.


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Trayza Stobbe-Fright